Table of Contents
Section One: The Problem of Leadership
1 - Nuclear Convergence
2 - War
3 - Power
4 - God in Politics
5 - Sacred Cows
Section Two: Confusing the Issues
6 - History
7 - A Fantasy Called Freedom
8 - Racism: A Part of Us All
9 - Good and Evil
10 - Truth, Reality and Language
Section Three: Spiritual Adventures - A Distraction
11 - The Meaning of Life
12 - Hallelujah
13 - God?
Section Four: Politics: The Hoped-for Solution
14 - Democracy, Equality and Confusion
15 - Democracy Interruptus
Section Five: Economics: Feudalism Refined
16 - A True Free Market
17 - Labor: The Tragedy of the Common
18 - Economics: Policy vs. Politics
19 - The Under Appreciation of Overpopulation
20 - Shrinkage Shock
Section Six: Legalese
21 - Laws: Old and New
22 - Free Will and the Law
Section Seven: Novelties and Nuances
23 - What's in a Number
24 - Time
25 - The Power of Negative Thinking
26 - Brain Train
And Finally: Crossing Boundaries
Trends and Who Sets Them
Divide, Conquer and Create a Myth
Being Rational